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10 must-listen restaurant podcasts

Chloé Thévenet
July 18, 2023
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Whether you're a restaurant entrepreneur, a food enthusiast or simply curious about what goes on behind the scenes in the kitchen, restaurant podcasts offer a captivating and tasty experience! This audio format offers listeners an immersive experience in the world of gastronomy, featuring recipes, product histories, thoughts on food and encounters with renowned chefs. 

Restaurant podcasts explore the world of today and tomorrow through listening, offering an enriching perspective on the culture, art and diversity of cuisine. Discover the 10 must-listen restaurant podcasts. 


1. Bouffons, the podcast that provides grist for the mill

In Bouffons, journalist Emilie Laystary examines our eating and culinary habits in the company of a guest. From one episode to the next, you can listen to different sociological themes on "miamology", with a new subject to discover in each episode. 

Émilie Laystary interviews restaurateurs, scientists, researchers, engineers and journalists about today's food. To be enjoyed without moderation in this series of culinary podcasts: the success of cupcakes, the importance of pot-au-feu in French cuisine, the food of the future and sexism in the kitchen. A multitude of fascinating subjects to listen to and enjoy! 

👉 To listen to the podcast: https: //nouvellesecoutes.fr/podcast/bouffons/ / 279 episodes of 20 to 45 minutes each


2. Casseroles, the podcast that puts its foot in it

Can we eat without pesticides? What is a good cheese? Is it possible to eat well at festivals? Every other Thursday, Zazie Tavitian and Thibaut Schepman welcome guests to their table in this podcast produced by Binge Audio. The language is relaxed, and it's time to be on first-name terms. Here, cooking is a pretext for talking about various social issues with colorful guests from all walks of life. 

Each episode also includes advice on books, articles, recipes and films related to the subject. It's a fascinating podcast, with no false pretenses, that asks itself (and us) the right questions! 

👉 To listen to the podcast: https: //www.binge.audio/podcast/casseroles/ / 21 episodes of 35 to 60 minutes each


3. Restaurateurs de demain, a podcast for restaurateurs 2.0

In-depth conversations with commercial and institutional foodservice professionals give a unique insight into their backgrounds, inspirations and how they've had to adapt to new trends.

With a focus on new technologies at the service of the restaurant industry, Les Restaurateurs de demain is a 2.0 podcast where accomplished entrepreneurs talk about communication tactics, digital cuisine, evolving offerings and business models...

👉 To listen to the podcast: https: //podcast.ausha.co/innovorder / 16 episodes of 20 to 40 minutes each

Restaurant podcast: Restaurateurs de demain


4. À Poêle, the podcast that strips chefs naked

In this podcast series, the hottest chefs and ambitious entrepreneurs confide in Julie Gerbet, the culinary journalist behind the microphone. 

As the episodes unfold, discover the portraits of Mory Sacko, starred French chef, revealed to the public during his participation in the eleventh season of Top Chef, Alexia DuchĂŞne who has just opened her first restaurant in New York after several adventures in Paris and France, or the portrait of Pascal Barbot, double starred French chef, whose Parisian restaurant L'Astrance was triple starred. You'll also hear from Adrien Cachot, Julien Sebbag and Romain Meder, among others. All in all, more than a hundred chefs were on hand to talk to Julie Gerbet!

> https://www.radio-en-ligne.fr/podcasts/a-poele / more than 100 episodes of 40 to 60 minutes each


5. Saveurs savantes, the podcast for all tastes

Acidic, salty, bitter, sweet, umami, pungent, fatty, sparkling, smoky: each episode is devoted to a specific taste. Broadcast every Saturday on France Inter, this program, produced and hosted by François-Régis Gaudry, seeks to find out what happens in our taste buds and brains when they come into contact with different flavors.

Saveurs Savantes features reports and scientific insights, as well as literary and film extracts, not forgetting the "On the tip of your tongue" column by linguist Aurore Vincenti. 

👉 To listen to the podcast: https: //www.radiofrance.fr/franceinter/podcasts/saveurs-savantes / 9 episodes per taste of 54 minutes 


6. Coup de feu, ordinary "extra" stories from restaurateurs

Coup de feu is the podcast that gives a voice to restaurateurs. The podcast is produced by Ombline Choupin, who herself ran a bar-restaurant in the Marais district of Paris for three years. She recounts the wackiest experiences of those who work in the restaurant business. 

On the menu: ordinary "extra" stories from restaurateurs and anecdotes, ranging from hard times to good times. The idea of this podcast is to raise awareness of the reality of the field, for all those who want to start their own business, by giving a voice to those who are passionate about the restaurant business. 

👉 To listen to the podcast: https: //coupdefeu.co/ / 20 episodes of 4 to 10 minutes each


7. Les Bonnes Choses, the podcast that questions our plates

Food is a global issue that affects society at every level: social, cultural, anthropological, political, economic and even intimate. 

Every Sunday, from 12:00 to 12:30 on France Culture, Les Bonnes Choses examines various food-related topics from a regional and global perspective. To be savored: major topics, portraits of chefs, artisans and gastronomes, the history of products, trends and "La Madeleine": the gustatory memory of a personality.

👉 To listen to the podcast: https: //www.radiofrance.fr/franceculture/podcasts/les-bonnes-choses / 28-minute program


8. Eating, on the artists' plate

If you believe the adage "Tell me what you eat and I'll tell you who you are", then you're in for a treat with the Manger podcast, produced by Louie Media. Convinced that what we eat says more about us than long speeches, Zazie Tavitian (yes, her again!) sets out to meet various artists, singers, comedians and more. And their stomachs! 

Ben Mazué, Rokhaya Diallo, Pénélope Bagieu, Sophie-Marie Larrouy... With Zazie, they sit down to discuss, among other things, their childhood dishes, their guilty pleasures, the best dish to get over heartbreak and a whole host of other appetizing topics. Manger shows how eating habits tell the story of a guest's life, giving us a glimpse into their intimacy. 

👉 To listen to the podcast: https: //louiemedia.com/manger / A dozen 25-minute portraits


9. Le Marché, a very Sunday chronicle

It's Sunday? why not take a trip to the market with François-Régis Gaudry. Each week, he spotlights a seasonal product and tells us a little more about its origin, how it's made and how it's consumed. With his expertise and passion for cooking, our favorite food critic helps us rediscover a key product, in this 5-minute chronicle that we appreciate for its short format and high quality! 

👉 To listen to the podcast: https: //www.radiofrance.fr/franceinter/podcasts/le-marche-de-francois-regis-gaudry / Approximately 5-minute episodes


10. Toque Toque, in the minds of chefs 

What goes on under the chef's hat? Meet passionate chefs who tell us about their careers in intimate, inspiring stories. Each episode is an encounter with a chef with an extraordinary destiny, who tells us about his or her journey and career, sometimes made up of pitfalls, setbacks and successes. 

With the voice of Philippe Maymat, savor the story of today's restaurateurs for all gourmets and lovers of good food. 

👉 To listen to the podcast: https: //podcast.ausha.co/toque-toque / Episodes of about 20 minutes each


Did you like these tips? Check out our Restaurateurs de demain podcast to help you become the restaurateur of tomorrow.

Innovorder is the leader in digital solutions for commercial and institutional foodservice. Our team supports restaurateurs in their digital transformation with a complete ecosystem.

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