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How can you maximize your fast-food revenues?

Chloé Thévenet
October 3, 2024
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Opening a fast-food restaurant may seem like a lucrative opportunity, but how much can it really earn? Between location, costs and profit margins, many factors influence profitability. In this article, discover the keys to maximizing the profits generated by your fast-food business.

Factors influencing fast-food profitability

One of the major advantages of fast food is its high profitability potential. But profitability depends on a number of factors, which we'll look at below. 

Restaurant location

Location is undoubtedly the most decisive factor in the profitability of a fast-food outlet. A strategic location, with a constant flow of passers-by, can quickly attract a loyal clientele. Urban areas, shopping malls and business districts are particularly good places to open such an establishment.

A good location not only increases the number of customers, but also maintains a stable volume of business throughout the year. On the other hand, a restaurant located in an area with little traffic or poor service is likely to encounter certain difficulties. Before opening your fast-food restaurant, it's a good idea to carry out a market study to identify the best geographical areas for the type of clientele you're targeting.

Business model: franchise or independent?

Opening an independent fast-food outlet or a franchise can have a direct impact on profitability.

  • Franchise restaurants : These offer the advantage of a proven concept, an established reputation and standardized procedures. This can reduce risk and guarantee faster profitability. However, franchise fees, monthly royalties and lack of flexibility can reduce profit margins.
  • Independent establishments : If you opt for an independent fast-food restaurant, you'll have total freedom in your operational and financial choices. However, success depends entirely on your ability to develop an attractive concept, build customer loyalty and manage your restaurant efficiently.

👉 F urther information : Key performance indicators for the foodservice industry

Operating costs and profit margins

A fast-food restaurant's fixed and variable costs have a direct impact on its profitability. Here are the main expenses to consider:

  • Rent : This is often one of the biggest expenses. A strategic location usually means higher rent, but it can also generate more income.
  • Personnel : Employee salaries - for cooks, waiters and cashiers - account for a significant proportion of costs. As the fast-food sector has a high turnover of staff, this can also lead to substantial recruitment and training expenses.
  • Raw materials : Inventory management and food cost control are essential. In the fast-food sector, profit margins on products are relatively high, provided that supplies are well managed and the quality/price ratio of each dish is carefully studied.
  • Marketing and communication : Expenditure on communication includes digital and traditional advertising, social networking campaigns and the management of online reviews. A well-managed marketing budget boosts visibility, improves the customer experience, attracts new guests and builds loyalty among existing customers.
  • Other fixed costs : Electricity, water, gas, equipment maintenance, licenses, taxes and insurance are all costs that, while indispensable, must be optimized.

Average fast-food sales

Fast-food sales, whether from on-site sales, takeaway or delivery, vary enormously from one establishment to another, depending on size, location, reputation and type of clientele. On average, a fast-food restaurant in France can generate annual sales of between 300,000 and 1,000,000 euros.

To maximize sales, it's essential to know your customers and adapt your offer accordingly (children's menus, vegetarian dishes, takeaway options, promotional offers, etc.). Indeed, the ability to respond to consumer needs and expectations can make the difference between a fast-food restaurant that stagnates and one that thrives.

👉 Discover our profitability simulator for your fast-food restaurant

Maximize your fast-food revenues

How can you maximize the profitability of your fast-food restaurant?

1. Optimize costs

To increase the profitability of your fast-food business, it's essential to cut costs wherever possible, without compromising quality. Good inventory management, optimized production processes and regular negotiation with your suppliers can make all the difference. By automating repetitive processes as far as possible and digitizing you'll be able to cut costs. Talk to our Innovorder experts

2. Increase average basket

Encouraging customers to spend more with each visit is an effective way of improving profitability. This can be achieved by offering combo menus, special offers or additional products (drinks, desserts, snacks). Rely also on cross-selling and up-selling to increase the average ticket per customer.

The use of order kiosks is an essential lever in this approach. They act as tireless, persuasive saleswomen, able to offer additional options in a timely manner, without putting pressure on the consumer.

As Damien, BCHEF franchisee, points out: "My kiosks are my best salespeople: they skilfully offer extras that boost my average ticket by €3 and ensure an average order flow of €2,000/day."

The kiosks help to maximize every transaction by presenting tailored, personalized suggestions at the time of ordering. Thanks to their intuitive interface, they encourage customers to choose extras or opt for more extensive menus, contributing directly to increased sales.

3. Customer loyalty

Loyalty is a key lever for maximizing profitability. A loyal customer is more likely to return regularly and recommend your restaurant to others. Setting up loyalty programs, discount cards or offers reserved for regular customers will encourage frequent returns.

4. Multiply your sales channels

To maximize your fast-food restaurant's revenues, it's crucial to diversify your sales channels, and home delivery is a major asset in this respect, enabling you to considerably broaden your customer base.

How is this possible? Thanks to online ordering and delivery services, restaurants can now go beyond the physical limits of their catchment area, reaching thousands of potential customers beyond their initial location. These new sales channels respond to the new habits of consumers, who increasingly prefer the convenience of delivery and click and collect.

Why shouldn't you? The experience of Peggy, a BCHEF franchisee, is a perfect example: "I've increased my sales by 50% thanks to delivery and click and collect." By offering these options, she has been able to attract a new clientele looking for speed and convenience, which has contributed to a significant rise in her sales.

Integrating home delivery, whether via third-party platforms or your own service, has become an essential lever for boosting your fast-food sales. By combining these channels with a smooth, efficient online ordering strategy, you can maximize your sales opportunities while adapting to changing market expectations.

5. Diversify our offering

Offering something new on a regular basis (new sandwiches, seasonal menus, limited offers) not only attracts new customers, but also builds loyalty among regulars. Offer options in line with new food trends, such as vegetarian menus, organic products or gluten-free alternatives.

👉 To find out more : 5 tips to boost fast-food profitability

Opening a fast-food restaurant is a profitable gamble under certain conditions. Profitability depends on many factors, such as location, cost management, choice of business model and your ability to meet customer needs. 


Do you run a fast-food restaurant and are looking for a partner to help you digitalize your business? Innovorder is the only player in France to offer a complete ecosystem: order-taking, checkout, preparation, delivery and management!

👉 Discover our range of products for fast-food outlets

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