Expanding your business

5 tips to boost fast-food profitability

Chloé Thévenet
July 8, 2024
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Looking to boost your restaurant's profitability? You've come to the right place! In such a dynamic and competitive sector, every detail counts. 

Innovorder presents 5 valuable, practical and effective tips to optimize your operations, attract more guests and maximize your revenues. 

Ready to follow our best tips?


1. Optimize management and operating costs in your restaurant

Your suppliers

Negotiating with suppliers

First of all, to reduce your costs, negotiate with your suppliers! Build strong relationships, discuss prices and conditions on a regular basis. Dare to negotiate - you could be in for a pleasant surprise.

👉 Going further: how to find the best suppliers in the foodservice industry

Buy in bulk

Buying in bulk is another winning strategy. Order large quantities to benefit from lower prices. Make sure, however, that your purchase volume matches your storage capacity to avoid losses due to expiry!

Reduce the cost of raw materials

Regularly analyze your recipes. Identify ingredients you can replace with less expensive options without sacrificing quality. Look for local suppliers who offer fresh, competitive products. Monitor market prices to adjust your purchases as costs fluctuate.

Efficient inventory management software

Finally, it's important to invest in good inventory management software. This will help you monitor inventory levels live, avoid stock-outs and reduce wastage. Optimize your orders according to actual consumption and avoid overstocking, which ties up capital unnecessarily.

Your offer

Manage the selling prices of the dishes on offer

It's all about choosing the prices of your dishes strategically to maximize your margins. Take into account the cost of ingredients, operational expenses and local competition. Adjust your prices regularly according to expenses and demand.

Seasonal menu optimization

Adapt your menu to the seasons. Seasonal products are often cheaper and of better quality! What's more, it allows you to diversify and stand out from your competitors.

Reducing food waste

Implement procedures to reduce food waste. Check expiration dates, store food correctly and use leftovers creatively.

Your human resources

Efficient timetabling to match traffic volumes

Plan working hours according to traffic. Analyze peak periods and adjust schedules to ensure adequate coverage without overstaffing.

Labour and training costs to be taken into account

Don't hesitate to invest in employee training too. A well-trained team is more efficient and contributes to a better guest experience, which in turn increases your sales and customer loyalty.

Supporting your employees with technology

Use technology to help your employees. Automated control systems, scheduling software and internal communication tools can improve productivity and reduce errors.


2. Have a good vision and control of data

Monitoring and evaluation of performance indicators using tools

Manage everything from a single interface

A centralized management system is your friend for keeping track of all aspects of your restaurant from a single interface. Stocks, sales, human resources, finances: everything is integrated. This simplifies decision-making and gives you a clear, precise overview.

👉 Going further: How to control your restaurant's activity in real time with the right centralized management system 

Monitoring sales and profit margins

Analysis tools like IO Analytics are essential for tracking your sales and profit margins in real time. This data helps you identify the most profitable dishes, adjust your prices and optimize your offer according to your guests' preferences. So you can make decisions based on hard facts, and improve the overall performance of your fast-food establishment.

Profitability in fast food


3. Launch marketing campaigns while controlling costs and ROI

To attract new guests and retain the ones you already have, launch targeted marketing campaigns. To do this, control your costs by using effective channels such as social networks, newsletters and promotional offers. These tools enable you to reach your audience without spending a fortune.

Then analyze the return on investment (ROI) of each campaign. Adapt your strategies according to the results to maximize the impact of your marketing actions. A well-thought-out, data-driven approach will help you achieve the best possible results while keeping your expenses under control.


4. Retaining your existing customers will cost you less

Improving the customer experience

A welcoming environment and proximity to your guests

To keep your guests coming back for more, offer them a warm and pleasant environment. A good setting, attractive decor consistent with your brand and friendly, human staff make all the difference! 

Fast, quality service

As you know, in fast food, speed and quality of service are essential. Make sure your dishes are prepared and served quickly, without skimping on quality.

A loyalty program

Finally, think about setting up a loyalty program to reward your regular guests. Why not offer a loyalty points system, discounts or exclusive advantages. A satisfied guest is an ambassador for your establishment and will be happy to return. They won't hesitate to recommend you to their friends and acquaintances!

👉 To find out more: 6 ideas to keep your customer loyalty on track


5. Use digital to improve profitability

Improve your margins without increasing your prices, it's possible with order terminals.

My kiosks are my best salespeople: they skilfully offer extras that boost my average ticket by €3 and ensure an average order flow of €2,000/day. Damien, franchisee BCHEF

An order terminal will help you increase your average basket (and therefore preserve your margins) in 2 ways:

  • By intelligently suggesting extras (desserts, drinks, etc.) that will boost your average ticket by an average of 28% (figure observed among our customers),
  • By presenting your dishes with mouth-watering photos that will entice your customers to try them.

👉 Discover Innovorder control terminals


Are you a restaurant owner? Do you want to increase your profitability? Contact an expert and find out how to boost your sales, increase your profitability and improve your productivity.

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