Good news for the planet! France is taking an ecological turn by banning the use of plastic food containers from 2025. This commendable initiative marks an important step in the fight against plastic pollution, which threatens our terrestrial and marine ecosystems.
By adopting this responsible measure, the French government is encouraging everyone to rethink their consumption habits and choose sustainable alternatives for food packaging. Plastic containers have long been considered a practical and inexpensive solution, but their environmental impact is disastrous. They take centuries to decompose, polluting soils, rivers and oceans, and endangering the health of animals and humans.
Starting in 2025, businesses and consumers will have to turn to sustainable solutions, such as compostable or reusable containers. Compostable materials, such as cellulose or corn starch, decompose quickly and do not pollute the environment. Reusable containers, on the other hand, are an economical and practical solution, such as glass or stainless steel containers for transporting their food.
What exactly is the content of the proposed law? What is the impact for the actors of the restoration? We take stock right below! 👇
What does Bill 205 say?
Article 1
Bill 205 proposes various measures to minimize the impact of food packaging on the environment. Article 1 of this proposal prohibits the use of food packaging made of polystyrene or equivalent polymers from January 1, 2025.
This decision aims to protect the environment and health by eliminating the use of hazardous materials, regardless of their recyclability. Indeed, the ability to be recycled does not guarantee that these materials are safe for the environment, which justifies this ban.
Article 2
Article 2 aims to ban food packaging and containers containing perfluorinated compounds that have not been proven to be safe.
Article 3
The purpose of this article is to improve consumer information by making it mandatory to mark single-use products containing plastic as of 2024. This will allow individuals to be better informed about the products they buy and to adopt more responsible behaviors. For example, some single-use cartons, covered with a thin film of plastic to protect them from liquids or grease, can mislead consumers.
Article 4
Finally, Article 4 aims to strengthen the protection of our environment by allowing local authorities to limit the introduction of single-use plastic objects in protected areas. This action will protect fragile ecosystems and reduce plastic pollution in natural areas.
To wit: Proposition 205 will not officially be effective until 2025, precisely because it proposes a gradual ban on the use of these containers.
Companies will have to find more environmentally friendly and sustainable alternatives to package their products, while consumers will be encouraged to adopt more responsible behaviors by using reusable containers.

What is the impact of Bill 205 on restaurateurs
The need to find sustainable alternatives
As restaurant owners, you are already concerned since 2021 by the anti-waste law for a circular economy (reduction of plastic in your establishments via, in particular, the end of single-use plastic cutlery and plastic packaging for your take-away meals). Law 205, which is a continuation of the AGEC law, therefore concerns you directly, and helps to further reduce the use of plastic in French society.
Fortunately for you, there are already environmentally friendly solutions such as paper, cardboard (not laminated), glass or metal containers.
Here are some brands that already offer them:
- Packfood, and its special fast food containers
- Pandoback and its reusable delivery bin system
- Covr and its wide range of more environmentally friendly containers

Anticipate these changes now
These measures against plastic are already having an impact on your business, which will increase over time:
- supply,
- Packaging,
- storage,
- take away,
- delivery,
- recycling and composting procedures,
- etc.
Don't wait until the last minute to take action and start preparing your business for 0 single-use plastic now!
You are a restaurant owner and you are concerned about ecology and waste? Check out our resources on the topic below. 👇