The challenges of foodservice

Click and Collect in school catering

Sophie Lecomte
November 19, 2019
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School catering or canteens are also taking the digital turn. Its challenges are numerous: reducing waiting time, optimizing management in the kitchen and in the administration of the establishment, proposing a varied offer adapted to all diets, while limiting waste...

The actors of the catering already have several solutions at their disposal, including pre-ordering, tray scanning, replacing badges and cards with biometric recognition, etc.

One of the approaches that stands out today is the Click and Collectwhich is far from being reserved for traditional commercial catering.

Click and collect and school catering

Benefits for school catering :

Click and Collect consists in allowing the customer to order his meal online, then to come and pick it up on the spot at the time of his choice, thus avoiding waiting in line.

The benefits are numerous:

  • A drastic reduction (or even elimination) of the waiting time of the client, the student or pupil in this case;
  • The modernization of the image of the restaurant or canteen
  • A better customer experience;
  • Anticipation of orders and therefore better management of the catering schedule (productivity gain);
  • Optimization of management: in the kitchen, the team receives orders and prepares the bags beforehand;
  • More turnover;
  • Differentiation from the competition (e.g., institutions outside the high school or university);
  • Reducing food waste by better targeting orders and stocks while offering a variety of menus;
  • The collection of data to improve the service to the maximum the operation of the school restaurant and to better understand its customers;

Above all, this solution perfectly meets the expectations of today's consumers, especially those of Millenials. Ultra-connected, in search of autonomy, impatient and demanding, they easily switch from one device to another to consult, order, meet, share... what they want and when they want it.

If they are looking for a fast and fluid path, while controlling their food choices (healthy, vegetarian, responsible, gluten-free or even "foodporn"), they can find themselves in the Click and Collect.

The solution Weeky Connect solution, for example, developed by Innovorder and Elior, lets you see which products are available and pre-order your meal directly from your smartphone. At the appointed time, no waiting in line, but a direct withdrawal that saves time at the lunch rush hour...

Click and Collect can be organized via smartphone, but also from a computer, a tablet or a dedicated terminal.

In the context of school catering, everyone wins: the students, of course, but also the catering teams and the administration.

To learn more about the solutions offered by Innovorder, visit our official website.

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Christophe Peinoche
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"With 20 years' experience working for some of the world's largest foodservice groups, I'm helping the sector with its digital transformation through innovative digital solutions."
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