Opening or taking over a restaurant

6 recommendations for opening a sushi restaurant

Chloé Thévenet
July 5, 2024
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In this article, we take you on a journey into the delicious world of Japanese dining, and reveal 6 essential recommendations for opening a sushi restaurant. From preparing a solid business plan to obtaining licenses, creating a tempting menu, training your team, developing a powerful marketing strategy and strictly complying with regulations, you'll put every chance of success on your side! 


1. Draw up a solid business plan to open a sushi restaurant

Define your goals and vision

Every project to open a restaurant, whether franchised or not, begins with the preparation of a solid business plan. This document defines, among other things, your objectives and vision for your sushi restaurant. Why do you want to open a sushi restaurant? What type of clientele are you targeting? Do you want to offer a high-end dining experience or a more casual, affordable option? The answers to these questions will guide all your future decisions, from menu design to restaurant décor.

Analyze the market and the competition

Thorough market research is essential to understand the environment in which you're about to launch your business. Analyze sushi market trends, identify the main sushi restaurants in existence and study their strengths and weaknesses. A good understanding of your competitors and clientele will enable you to find ways to differentiate yourself and attract loyal customers.

Estimate costs and financial forecasts

Every self-respecting business plan includes a detailed estimate of start-up costs and financial forecasts. Calculate the costs involved: 

  • to the location,
  • royalties,
  • equipment,
  • licenses,
  • human resources (recruitment and training),
  • communication strategy,
  • to initial supplies.

Also establish realistic income and expense projections for the first few years of operation. This will help you determine the financing required and convince investors or banks to support your project.


2. Obtain the necessary licenses and authorizations

The sushi restaurant is no exception, requiring numerous licenses and permits before opening its doors. Identify those that are specific to sushi catering, such as liquor permits, health certificates and business licenses. Make sure you know all the legal requirements in your area to avoid any legal problems.

The license application process can be long and complex. Find out about the specific procedures and processing times for each license. We recommend that you start the process well in advance to avoid any delays in opening your restaurant.

Licensing costs can vary considerably according to region and type of permit. Be sure to factor these costs into your initial budget, and make sure you have the necessary funds to cover these expenses without compromising other aspects of your project.

👉 Further information : Restaurant license: which one to choose, how to obtain it and at what price? 


3. Create a varied menu by choosing ingredients carefully

Supplier selection criteria

The quality of ingredients is essential for a sushi restaurant. Indeed, a large proportion of your clientele will come to your establishment for the flavors, which depend to a large extent on the quality of the products. So it's important to select good suppliers. Give preference to those who offer sustainably caught fish and local products to guarantee freshness and support the local economy. Today's consumers are increasingly sensitive to this issue. 

Negotiating contracts and prices

Once you've identified potential suppliers, you'll enter the negotiation phase. This will enable you to maintain competitive costs while ensuring consistent quality. Delivery terms, volume discounts and payment terms are all aspects you can discuss. 

Maintaining long-term relationships with suppliers

It's in both your and your restaurant's best interests to build trusting, long-term relationships with your suppliers. This means communicating regularly with them, respecting payment deadlines and being flexible when problems arise. A good relationship will enable you to benefit from quality products and advantageous conditions. It will also save you the headache and expense of finding new partners. 

Opening a sushi restaurant


4. Invest in quality training 

The importance of training for sushi chefs

Chefs working in sushi restaurants absolutely must have the technical and artistic expertise to guarantee the quality of their dishes and make the difference with the surrounding establishments. Investing in quality training for your kitchen team is therefore crucial. This will ensure food safetybut also an exceptional culinary experience for your customers.

Training options available

There are a variety of training options for sushi chefs, from specialized culinary schools to internships with experienced chefs, with the most relevant always being a combination of theory and practice. Look for programs that offer comprehensive, in-depth training, covering sushi preparation techniques, ingredient management, and food safety standards.

Training costs and duration

It's hard to give you an estimate of training costs and duration, as they can vary so widely. Whatever the training, remember to factor these expenses into your initial budget and plan accordingly so that your team is ready as soon as your restaurant opens. Ongoing training can also be a good idea to maintain high standards and introduce new techniques and recipes.

👉 F urther information : Restaurant training: what are the manager's obligations? 


5. Implement an effective marketing strategy

Developing a brand identity

Your brand identity must reflect your vision and attract your target clientele. This brand identity can be embodied by creating a unique and welcoming environment , whether through modern, uncluttered decor or a Japanese ambiance (traditional cutlery, low tables, Japanese music, etc.). A strong brand identity will help you stand out from the competition and attract loyal customers. 

Using social networks and digital marketing 

The social networks are powerful and indispensable tools for promoting your restaurant. Make the most of them by sharing appetizing photos of your dishes, videos of sushi preparation, and testimonials from satisfied customers. Make your establishment "Instagrammable" with eye-catching visuals that encourage customers to share their experience online.

Organize promotional events

Organizing promotional events is a great way to attract new customers and retain old ones. Have you thought about scheduling themed evenings, free tastings or sushi-making workshops in your calendar? These events can not only increase your visibility in an original way, but also strengthen your link with the local community.

Differentiating your sushi restaurant from the competition 

We've been saying it since the beginning of this article, but to stand out from the competition, there's nothing like originality and quality. Sushi, tempura, noodles, gyozas, onigiris - offer unique dishes and flavors that can't be found elsewhere, use first-rate ingredients, offer impeccable service and your guests will be delighted. Customizing orders and offering vegetarian or vegan options can also attract a diverse clientele.

Technology can also help you make the difference and improve your customer service. At Innovorder, we offer you an ecosystem of digital solutions perfectly integrated together. Let's talk it over! 

Reaching more customers

For sushi restaurants, delivery is not to be taken lightly: it can account for between 60% and 70% of their sales. This mode of consumption has become indispensable in a world where consumers are looking for convenience and speed. To maximize their revenue potential and reach a wider customer base, sushi restaurants must integrate online ordering, home delivery and click-and-collect options.


6. Pay attention to regulations

Food rules in the kitchen and dining room

While seducing consumers' taste buds remains one of your major objectives, you must above all comply with food regulations to guarantee the safety and satisfaction of your customers. This means training your staff in current hygiene standards, both in the kitchen and in the dining room, to avoid any risk of contamination.

Frozen or homemade products

Regulations governing frozen and homemade products must be scrupulously respected. Are you using frozen products? Make sure you follow the appropriate thawing standards. Homemade products must also comply with food safety standards.

Cold chain management

Cold chain management is a major challenge in a sushi restaurant, to preserve the quality and safety of the ingredients used in these Japanese specialties. Maintain the right temperatures for storing and transporting fresh products, and make sure your refrigeration equipment is in perfect working order.

Respecting the hot chain

Respecting the hot chain is just as important. Cooked dishes must be maintained at safe temperatures to prevent the proliferation of bacteria. Your staff must also be trained to correctly manage the temperature of hot food.

Waste management

Then there's the question of waste management. Particular attention must be paid to keeping the environment clean and respectful of the planet. Set up a waste sorting system, recycle as much as possible and ensure that food waste is properly disposed of to avoid nuisance and health risks.

👉 Read also : What does the 2024 law say about sorting biowaste for restaurants?

  • Draw up a solid business plan,
  • obtain the necessary licenses and authorizations,
  • create a varied menu by choosing ingredients carefully,
  • invest in quality training,
  • implement an effective marketing strategy,
  • pay attention to regulations.

With these recommendations in mind, you're well prepared to make your sushi franchise a lasting success.


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