Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and even TikTok: today it is difficult not to be present and creative on social networks to develop the notoriety of your brand or your restaurant, to share your news, offers, services and recipes, or simply to make your community of customers live and grow.
Today, we are interested in Facebook!
The good news is that, despite significant competition, the restaurant industry is perfectly suited to the demands of these social channels. Beyond the #foodporn, the greed, the visuals of dishes and atmosphere, the sharing of fans when they go out or order and the recipes to reproduce at home are ideal bases for sharing(s)... not all sectors can say the same!
But when the time comes to set up a social strategy and a precise schedule of posts (with images or videos), the exercise can be a little more complicated than expected... you are not in a "simple" sharing of your Sunday dish that all your family and friends will come and like!
- How do you engage your fans?
- How to increase your visibility?
- How can you turn your publications into real machines to increase your online orders (or bookings in "normal" times)?
The solution? Be creative and relevant, without having to reinvent the wheel. Here are some brands and establishments to follow, with inspiring techniques for your own social page or profile.
(With some of our clients 😍)
1) Father & Fish
New references on the menu, opening hours and ordering channels available, promotional codes, ultra-gourmet photos and team highlights, favorites or hot tips (see the post #DELIVEREZNOO to better understand what we are talking about)...
No doubt about it, Father & Fish has mastered the art of fresh fish street food 🐟 from "big colins" to his fans... and great networking skills!
Inspiration : frequent publications that address a multitude of topics, a mix of photos, videos, montages, a real transparency in the discourse, a tone & references that fit perfectly with the target audience ... and visuals that make you want to lick your screen. CQFD.
The little extra: the personalized URLs that give that extra touch of soul.

2) The French Federation of the Aperitif
FFA, for those who know it well.
Of course, the subject of aperitif is more promising than other less sexy themes, but not everyone is able to gather more than 150 000 fans around a glass of wine and a board.
The French Federation of the Aperitif (3 establishments and a contagious hyperactivity) has done it !
On the publication agenda: new references and addresses where to taste or order them, call to the fans to get their best photos of aperitifs, recruitment, promotion of derivative products, reminders about delivery and openings, contests and partnerships... everything is there!
Inspiration : mix and match formats and engage your community in a fun and exciting way! Contests with prizes that really match your community's tastes, highlighting the best fan experiences, posts that show the love of the good product and the whole chain of suppliers upstream... vary the pleasures, your fan base will repay you well.
The little extra: the products stagingThis is a great way to get away from the classic photographs of a board, a dish or a menu. And if it's a fan who sends it... bingo.

3) King Marcel
King Marcel is particularly creative in this area... but also supportive, with a game dedicated to Movember!
Inspiration : bounce off the highlights of the moment (not just those related to the health crisis...), offer products to your fans, encourage them to participate in a fun way in the life of your page.

4) KFC France
KFC (France page and example of a point of sale page), it's already a set of posts that combine games and contests, videos, humorous messages and slogans that bring the brand's universe to life.
But where the subject becomes particularly interesting is when we look at how each point of sale itself takes up a consistent way of communicating: for many chains, guaranteeing the same message from national to local is not always easy!
Inspiration : take full advantage of the great space that is your cover photo, share with your franchisees the key messages and visuals of the moment... and speak directly to your fans in the visuals.

5) Big Fernand
Big Fernand is one of those gourmet brands that, in addition to tempting us all year long with their burgers, also regale us with funny, inspiring and instantly recognizable posts... and punctuated with pretty visuals that are hard to resist.
But that's not all: knowing how to get straight to the point is also part of the game on social networks. Big Fernand has understood this well by pinning the most important thing of the moment at the top of his page: how to continue to enjoy yourself in the context!

And the little extra: a big "Order food" button, directly displayed on the Facebook profile.

Inspiration: respect the tone and identity of your brand with each publication, whether you are funny, committed, very serious, "casual" or gastronomic. And remember to make full use of the networks to communicate about your opening, delivery, online ordering online ordering and pick-up!

6) Burger King (France)
Talking about Burger King on social media means quoting one of the heavyweights in viral communication and engagement with fans. If you are subscribed to our newsletteryou've probably seen some of the examples sent in the last few weeks.
We're not here to referee the Whopper vs. Big Mac match, but to highlight Burger King's strength and creativity in the field.
Promotional offers that constantly bounce off the news (including the American elections), votes between fans, viral posts such as the call to "order from McDonald's" (to which many brands have responded, such as Hippopotamus or Pitaya), winks to the release certificate, publications according to the highlights of the year (Halloween, etc.), jokes with dubious humor: everything is there... even an offbeat video on sanitary adaptations at point of sale!

What are your favorite techniques and pages on Facebook? Share your experience with us by leaving a comment below.