Opening or taking over a restaurant

Glacier: 5 steps to a successful opening with a franchise

Chloé Thévenet
October 11, 2024
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Whether you're looking to cool off in summer, or enjoy a sweet treat, ice cream remains a must-have for young and old alike. For restaurateurs, opening an ice cream franchise represents a promising opportunity, based on a recognized brand and recipes that are already popular with the public. However, success in this field can't be improvised. This guide takes you through the essential steps involved in bringing your project to fruition: from choosing the right franchise and location, to optimizing day-to-day management, with tools like those offered by Innovorder to help you maximize your success.


Why open an ice cream parlour? 

Ice cream is undeniably one of France's favorite desserts. With increasingly daring flavors and formulas adapted to new dietary habits (vegan, lactose-free, etc.), it is establishing itself as a product with great potential. Ice cream parlors are among the most popular shops during the summer months, but not the only ones. Indeed, today, the consumption of ice creams and frozen desserts is becoming more democratic, and is no longer simply based on seasonality.

Glacier: what are the advantages of franchising? 

  • A reputation already established: By joining a franchise, you immediately capitalize on the reputation of a well-established brand. This enables you to attract customers right from the start, without having to invest heavily in advertising.
  • Operational support: The franchise offers you ongoing support, from the search for an ideal location to the launch of your outlet. You have access to modern management tools and specific training to optimize your processes and quickly master your new business.
  • Tested recipes and products: One of the great advantages of an ice cream franchise is the ability to offer products that are already popular with consumers. The risk of making a mistake in the composition of the offer is reduced, as the franchisor is fully aware of market expectations.

To maximize your chances of success, it's important to follow a structured plan and be familiar with the key stages.

👉 Read also: Opening a fast food franchise: the ultimate guide


Steps to opening a franchise

1. Choosing the right franchise

The choice of franchise is crucial to the success of your project. Each brand has its own specific characteristics: its own values, products and identity. So it's essential to choose a franchise whose philosophy and vision match your own, and which has proven its financial and operational soundness. To do this, take the time to :

  1. Analyze the market: study the different ice cream chains available, their offerings, geographical presence and market positioning, but also their sales and brand image. ‍
  2. ‍Consultexisting franchisees: ask for feedback from other franchisees to assess the quality of support provided by the brand.

Here are a few examples of ice cream franchises:

  • Amorino
  • Hägen Dazs
  • Louise
  • Franchi House
  • Moustache‍
  • Yaoz
  • Yogurt Factory


2. Conduct market research

Even within a franchise, it's vital to understand the local market in which you want to set up shop. Your market study should include :

  • Analysis of competition Competition: how many ice cream shops are already present in your catchment area? Do they offer similar products? What is their pricing strategy? How would you define their reputation and positioning? 
  • Purpose and vision : clearly define the purpose of your franchise and the vision that will guide all your strategic choices. Do you want to offer a traditional experience or innovate with new flavors?
  • Customer profile: study the buying habits of local residents and visitors. Are they open to new concepts? What is their average budget?
  • The concept : the format of your franchise also deserves careful consideration. Are you going to opt for a fixed point of sale and a long-term presence, or for a food truck whose initial costs are often lower?
  • The business plan Following your market study, this document will help you structure your project, forecast initial costs, estimate future revenues and convince investors or banks to support your project.

👉 Going further : 37 questions to ask yourself before launching a restaurant franchise

3. Find the ideal location

The location of your ice cream franchise is a key success factor. A good location can considerably increase your customer flow, the visibility of your outlet and consequently your sales. Here are a few criteria to consider when making your selection:

  • Areas with heavy pedestrian traffic: tourist areas, shopping malls or shopping streets will enable you to capture a maximum number of passers-by.
  • Proximity to schools, parks or beaches: ice cream shops often attract families with children, so it's a good idea to set up close to places frequented by this target group.
  • Accessibility and visibility: make sure your ice cream parlour is easily accessible, with good visibility to attract passers-by.
open an ice cream franchise

4. Financial management

Opening an ice-cream franchise requires a substantial initial investment. This includes the franchise entry fee, the cost of renovations (compliance with standards, fittings, decoration), the purchase of equipment (refrigerated display cases, ice cream machines, etc.), communication and start-up stocks. The question of financing is therefore central to the success of your business start-up.

The first reflex in obtaining financing is to turn to the banks. They require a solid business plan and realistic financial forecasts. Banks are generally less reluctant to finance a project based on a recognized brand, as this limits the risks involved. Banks also require a personal contribution of around 20-30% of the total investment. 

Apart from banks, there are several other options to consider:

  • Honor loans: interest-free and with no personal guarantee, this type of loan is often granted by business start-up networks such as Initiative France or RĂ©seau Entreprendre.
  • Regional aid: find out about the subsidies or aid schemes offered by your region to support entrepreneurship.
  • Crowdfunding: an increasingly popular solution for raising funds from the general public, particularly for innovative concepts.
  • Private investors: you can also attract investors who share your vision and are ready to support your project in exchange for an equity stake.

One of these different sources of financing will secure the necessary funds and diversify financial risks.

👉 To go further: Franchises: how to accelerate your growth with digital?

5. Use appropriate management tools

Running an ice cream parlour, like any other business, requires high-performance tools to manage sales, staff and stock. A cash register and digital solutions like the one offered by Innovorder can greatly simplify the management of your establishment by centralizing various functions (cashing, inventory management, sales tracking) in a single ecosystem. These tools enable you to save time and focus on what's most important: improving thecustomer experience. 


Successfully launching your ice cream franchise

Opening day has finally arrived. Here are a few tips to ensure a successful start-up:

  • Create an event: organize an inauguration with entertainment, special promotions and even free tastings to attract customers and get the word out.
  • Invest in local marketing: use social networks, advertise in local media and forge partnerships to promote your ice cream parlour and encourage customers to come and discover your offer.
  • Build loyalty right from the start: offer a loyalty program or benefits for first-time customers to encourage them to return regularly.

Opening an ice cream franchise can be a great opportunity for restaurateurs looking for a new entrepreneurial challenge. By following the steps detailed in this guide, your ice cream parlour will undoubtedly become a must for ice cream lovers!


Opening an ice cream parlour? Contact an Innovorder expert to get personalized advice for your restaurant!

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